Updated on December 8:
We predicted as much! With all of the current trouble Dorian (Robin Strasser) has gotten herself into lately, her daughter, Cassie Carpenter, will be making a brief return in February! Laura Bonarrigo has officially been asked to return to the show and has just stated, “Sometimes those rumors are right….One Life To Live has asked me to make a visit to Llanview! Watch for “Cassie’s Return…”
Soaps.com welcomes Laura back to the show! Did you catch Laura’s other Daytime role last year, when she was going by Laura Koffman? Find out more about her role in Soaps.com Chats With AMC’s Laura Koffman.
Previously Reported on October 13:
The latest rumor to hit the internet surrounds a possible return for One Life to Live’s Laura Bonarrigo (ex-Cassie Carpenter), who previously went by Laura Koffman.
When Soaps.com contacted Laura’s press agent, we were told, “Currently there are no official plans for Ms. Bonarrigo to return to OLTL.”
Laura’s always held a special place for her longtime role as Cassie, as well as her Llanview roots, and went on to give us this statement through her press agent, “Though, I’ve had great opportunities playing other amazing characters these past few years, returning to OLTL as “Cassie” always feels like going home. So whenever OLTL calls I do my best to say, “Yes!” Really, who else can keep “Dorian” in line?”
Well fans, if you’re thinking what we’re thinking, Dorian (Robin Strasser) could really use some guidance right about now, given the current political mess she’s in, and if anyone could guilt her into doing the right thing – the right way – Cassie can!
Soaps.com will keep our readers posted should the show decide to bring Laura back onscreen! In the meantime, what’s your favorite Cassie storyline of all time? Please share your memories with us below!
If you’d like to read our interview with Laura, during her time as AMC’s Rebecca, please visit the All My Children News Room.