How to easily farm Prismatic Leaper in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Fishing in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is a very valuable profession to sink time into. Not just because its a potential money-maker, fish are used in one of the best feasts in the expansion right now. Fish are useful, whether you cook, sell, or mill them down to craft reagent materials.

Fishing in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is a very valuable profession to sink time into. Not just because it’s a potential money-maker, fish are used in one of the best feasts in the expansion right now. Fish are useful, whether you cook, sell, or mill them down to craft reagent materials.

You can fish these up in three zones in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, but there are spots that are worth your time more than simply flying around the map, and hoping you see one. If you’re trying to make money, or you need to do some milling, you’ll want a few stacks of Prismatic Leapers on hand.

What are Prismatic Leapers and how can you farm them in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight?

Firstly, you can’t farm Prismatic Leapers in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, until you have crafted the Flying Fish Bone Charm item. You need to be Renown five with the Tuskaar, and also have crafted the item, which is an easy enough task. Once you head to point 12.52, 49.95 on the map, you are ready to go. Then you need to be Renown six to access Highlands Fishing.

Prismatic Leapers spawn in specific pools of water on the map, on the Ohn’ahran Plains, The Azure Span, and Thaldraszus, but there are specific spots that are worth farming. You aren’t going to pull tons of Prismatic Leapers either; at best, three to five a pool. It’s a task that is going to take some time.

You can also make this easier by turning off “Find Fish” on your map. If you do this, the Prismatic Leaper pools will show up as little yellow circles instead of having to hover over every single fish icon.

This will make your World of Warcraft farming much easier, ensuring the Prismatic Leaper pools stand out from the rest of the fish.

If you want to farm just the Ohn’ahran Plains, there’s a route you can take, where you start at a set of coordinates and fly around the zone, doing them on route.

Ohn'ahran Plains fishing spots

  • 58.5, 31.5
  • 58.4, 31,4
  • 58.26, 31.70
  • 64.6, 38.7
  • 64.4, 38.2
  • 64.6, 38.3
  • 86.2, 51.9
  • 61.5, 82.3
  • 56.5, 80.5
  • 56.4, 80.5

However, one of those spots is better than the rest. 58.26, 31.70 is a location near Marukai on the Ohn’ahran Plains, on a mountain. This spot has two Prismatic Leaper pools that spawn next to each other. This way, you can easily farm one spot, and then the other.

It can respawn relatively quickly (between 8-10 minutes), but if this isn’t occurring, travel to some of the other spawn points on the map and fish there. You won’t get Prismatic Leapers if the pool disappears, so move on, or wait for it to respawn. This fish is pretty expensive across most servers, as it’s used in milling and in the Gral’s Reverence feast.

If you're looking to farm one of the most valuable fish in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, the above path list will take you to some of the best spots to farm them in the Dragon Isles.

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